young women seated at desks in a classroom, looking to the front of the room


教育领导硕士课程的毕业生为包括校长在内的建筑级领导职位做好了充分的准备, 副校长兼教务长. 那些选择留在教室里的人会发现,他们完全有能力承担正式的教师领导角色, e.g. 教学教练,新教师导师,年级或系主席,学校改进主席. As a state-approved principal preparation program, graduates earn a master’s degree and are eligible for a 的状态 Michigan Administrative K-12 Certificate.

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M.Ed. 《韦德体育app官网》课程旨在为21世纪的学校培养“实践就绪”的领导者. With the guidance of expert faculty and supported by a program-long internship, students develop the skills needed to lead with a clear vision, 建立积极的关系, 支持和指导学校的改进, and empower others while managing the complexities of change.

项目课程是基于成绩的. 结果是, graduates leave the program well-prepared to assume a variety of school leadership positions.

另外, 所有毕业生毕业后都会留下一份电子档案,他们可以与未来的雇主和主要利益相关者团体分享, e.g. parents and students, local business leaders and building teachers.


  • 相关的课程为你提供了 领导工具与自信 迎接学校领导的挑战
  • 队列模型 links you to a professional network of successful school leaders
  • 杰出的教师 draw on both practical experience and academic research to help you connect theory with practice
  • 学校实习 提供真实生活体验; 指导 有一个公认的学校领导可以提供额外的支持
  • 要求 32个学分 22个月完成
  • 方便安排 将工作日夜间课程与混合课程相结合
  • 合资格申请 的状态 密歇根州K-12行政证书
  • 加速13个月格式 (weekend program) available at the Macomb University Center and 韦德体育app官网

韦德体育app官网定期提供参加教育领导课程的机会,该课程专为需要满足持续专业认证要求的教师和管理人员设计. 课程详细信息:

  • 6-credits total, cohort course offered over two semesters as two, 3-credit modules
  • 课程通常每个月只有一个星期的晚上 
  • 课程对所有K-12教师和管理人员开放
  • 韦德体育app官网教授:罗伯特·马丁


项目协调人: 罗伯特一个. 马丁
(248) 370-2772

部门秘书: 凯萨琳邮政寿险局
(248) 370-4109

  • 未来的学生被要求通过一份专业目标声明和两封推荐信来证明他们对建筑级管理角色的兴趣.
  • 通过你的目标陈述, 我们很想知道你是一个什么样的人,你想通过这个学位在个人和专业上取得什么成就. A typical goal statement is 2-3 pages in length and addresses the following:
    • 你的职业目标,包括M.Ed. in 教育领导 will help you reach your goals
    • The qualifications and experience that prepare you to be successful in reaching those goals
    • Your vision of school leadership, including your commitment to equity
    • Any problems or inconsistencies in your academic or professional record
  • Previous teaching experience is highly recommended, but not required.

M.Ed. in 教育领导 degree program requires 32个学分, 哪一个是在22个月内拍摄的, cohort-structured程序. 面对面的课程在工作日晚上提供,在夏季学期提供混合课程. 所需的实习贯穿整个项目. 作为一个高潮活动, graduates prepare a web-based portfolio that addresses the ISLLC School Leader Standards.

EL 5300: Introduction to 教育领导 - 4 credits

EL 5320:员工和课程开发- 4学分

EL 5340: Law for Teachers and Administrators - 4 credits
EL 6955:学校领导实习I - 2学分

EL 5360: Schools, Students and Educational Equity - 4 credits
EL 6300: Theories and Techniques of Leadership - 4 credits

EL 6320: School Finance and 工商管理 - 4 credits

EL 6960:最终硕士实习- 4学分
EL 6956:学校领导实习II - 2学分

除了获得硕士学位之外, students are also eligible to apply for a Michigan Administrative Certificate.

Step 1: Sign into the Michigan Online Educator Certification system (MOECS)
登录 密歇根州在线教育认证系统(MOECS) to apply to the state for your Administrative Certificate. If you are unsure if you have a MOECS account or need help logging in, 参考网站上的“MOECS初始说明”链接 Michigan 教育部 Certification Guidance page.

Once you have signed into MOECS, you may be asked to complete demographic information. After saving the information, you will see links on the left navigation panel. 选择链接来申请您的新证书,并按照说明完成该过程. 在这个申请过程中, 一定要确定韦德体育app官网是你的准备机构,因为这将使你的MOECS申请进入奥克兰的审查和批准队列.

To allow the Certification Office to begin the audit and approval process, 你还必须提交一份申请 Recommendation for Administrative Certification or Endorsement.

申请通常会在收到申请及申请表格后2-6周内处理. 如果你的项目获得了学位, the degree must be awarded before your request for Administrative Certification can be finalized. If you have questions regarding the status of your application, 请与核证处联络,电话 (电子邮件保护).

一旦您的管理证书被批准, MOECS will send an email prompting you to pay the application fee. 您也可以通过点击登录MOECS账户时出现的“支付费用”链接来支付费用. After your payment is processed, you will be able to print your new certificate from within MOECS.

If your program results in a university issued degree or certificate, you will also apply to Oakland for your degree or certificate to be awarded. 如果您对这个过程有疑问,请联系研究生院或组织领导部门.

韦德体育app官网还提供教育领导教育硕士的周末加速课程. 该项目由克林顿镇的马科姆大学中心提供,专为终身教师或具有四年或四年以上经验,希望担任各种学校领导职位的教师而设计.

从2020年秋季开始,M.Ed. in 教育领导 (accelerated format) will also be offered on OU's main campus. 


  • 要求在13个月内完成32个学分
  • 每月一个周末上课:
    • 星期五晚上(5:30 - 8:50.m.) 
    • 星期六(上午8:30).m. 到下午3:30.m.)
    • 额外的在线作业也包括在内
  • Each course will schedule an optional monthly support session on a Wednesday evening
  • Intensive summer internship 提供真实生活体验; 指导 with a recognized school leader offers additional support
  • Eligible for 的状态 密歇根州K-12行政证书
  • The first weekend of the month, class is held at the Macomb University Center
  • The second weekend of the month, class is held on OU's main campus

The program is mostly face-to-face and meets on campus from 5:30 pm - 8:50 pm on Monday evenings. Students can expect to have 2-4 online sessions per semester, but the bulk of course time is on-ground at 韦德体育app官网.

How will completion of this program enhance by career pathway?  
除了 to earning graduate level credit and a Master of Education degree, the M.Ed.在教育领导是一个主要的准备计划,提供所有课程要求的密歇根州的毕业生申请密歇根州K-12行政认证. 我们努力培养实践就绪的领导者,他们可以作为准备充分的专业人士进入行政角色.

This is a 32-credit program that takes 22 months to complete. 学生应该计划在第一年和第二年之间的夏季上课,并在第二年的6月完成课程.

The program is designed for students currently working in full-time employment. 课程在晚上进行,实习时间灵活,目前在学校工作的学生通常在现场完成.导师对研究生的需求很敏感,因为他们也在全职工作,而且作业通常与学生的个人作业直接相关.

How do I complete the internship requirement while working?  
大多数学生将在他们自己的学校大楼完成实习时间,其中一名管理人员将作为他们的导师. 目前不在K-12学校工作的实习生已经找到了愿意与他们一起工作的导师. 

What are the advantages of the OU program over other similar programs?  
我们相信指令, 课程顺序, 该项目的队列模式和实习结构在培养自信和实践就绪的领导者方面具有优势. 该项目的讲师是现任或最近退休的学校管理人员,他们与三县地区的学校领导网络有着良好的联系. 这不仅为成功的学校领导提供了现实世界的指导, 但也有可能帮助毕业生获得未来领导职位的网络. 除了, 该项目的队列模式为研究生提供了跨越三县地区和其他地区的网络关系.

Completing a graduate degree is a considerable investment and should be thought of as such. 研究生s often receive pay increases upon completion of advanced degrees, and ROI can be determined by examining your district contract and pay scale. 除了水平工资的增加, advancement to an administrative position can often result in a significant pay increase.在提供养老金的学校或系统工作的学生也应该考虑更高的工资对他们的养老金数额的影响. 最后, 获得一个更高的学位和/或管理职位,可以让你在职业生涯中以更高的薪水工作更长时间. 视个别地区合约金额而定, 在30年的职业生涯中,即使没有更高的学位,工资的增长也会导致数十万美元的积累.


(248) 370-2730

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(248) 370-4109